The Wicked Recruiter

Matching the right applicant for the right role is always important; a recruiter’s great challenge, a job-seeker’s great dream. The following video links will be of no use at all apart from a laugh, but do contain a disturbing amount of reality in their farce. Enjoy!  

The Recruitment Interview that Never Happened 3

A friend’s senior-school daughter and six of her friends all applied to work for a renowned global hamburger chain. All six were high achievers, most bound for university, and were looking for a casual job for the next 3-4 years. They had heard great things about this company, their awesome systems, training programs and the ...

The Recruitment Revolution

According to a recent CEO Institute survey, the number one issue keeping chief executives awake at night is ‘sourcing and retaining skilled staff’. Yet when PricewaterhouseCoopers asked 1300 global CEOs about their operational priorities, talent strategies didn’t make the top five. So while CEOs might be suffering from insomnia, it seems they’re still doing very little to alleviate ...

Kicking off our Wicked Workplaces Blog! 118

Kicking off our Wicked Workplaces Blog!
Hi All! We welcome you ( well no-one at this point) to the start of the Wicked Workplaces blog, where we will be sharing with you and each other the awesome, the interesting and the absurd things happening out there in the workplaces of the world. By sharing this info and tossing in our own ...