Great Workplaces Equals Great Returns

Treating people well and authentically respecting them leads to far better business performance. The proof is in the Profits. Jerome Dodson founded the Parnassus Workplace Fund in 2005, a mutual fund that invests exclusively in large American firms proven to have outstanding workplaces. A journo named Milton Moskowitz told him in the early 2000’s that ...

Ryanair’s goal to ‘Stop pissing people off’ is a great HR Mantra 112

Ryanair's goal to 'Stop pissing people off' is a great HR Mantra
Michael O’Leary, CEO of Ryanair, in his first customer tweet session yesterday, came in for heaps of abuse, particularly when he replied to one female tweeter, ‘nice Pic. Phwoar!’   Makes you wonder, but later he did say something of note that didn’t entice ‘sexist pig’ replies. He said he wanted Ryanair to stop doing ...

Are Myers the Great Externalisers?

Are Myers the Great Externalisers?
End 2012 When Myer CEO Bernie Brookes announced a 15% fall in net profit for the financial year 2012, the reasons for the poor result given to the press and shareholders were insightful. They included the fall in equity markets, turmoil in Europe, the high Australian dollar, subdued consumer sentiment, the middle man, the internet, ...

The Wicked Recruiter

Matching the right applicant for the right role is always important; a recruiter’s great challenge, a job-seeker’s great dream. The following video links will be of no use at all apart from a laugh, but do contain a disturbing amount of reality in their farce. Enjoy!  

The Recruitment Revolution

According to a recent CEO Institute survey, the number one issue keeping chief executives awake at night is ‘sourcing and retaining skilled staff’. Yet when PricewaterhouseCoopers asked 1300 global CEOs about their operational priorities, talent strategies didn’t make the top five. So while CEOs might be suffering from insomnia, it seems they’re still doing very little to alleviate ...